Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mum, Night Shift, Sleepovers and the Village encore

So two weeks Mum arrived amidst a crazy time at the babies home. I have lost count of how many sick babies we have had, but there have been a few close calls, where we were sure we’d loose a baby or two.

Here are some snaps of mum – she’s doing well and trying to adjust to the busy days and sleepless nights.

Because of the amount of sick babies we’ve had and the extra workload this creates, Laura and I had to do a lot of nightshifts, and I suppose pictures speak better than words

Above - This is me working with John, tube feeding him and changing him... a few nights after this photo he had a seizure and took a turn for the worst and has since spent all his time in hospital fighting for his life. He may survive but with brain damage. :( pray for him.

Above: Is Elana - who was very sick but is doing well now.

Above: Emmanuel was also very very sick - here he is being tube fed hourly to stop him dehydrating. He is now doing better.

This is Laura sleeping on the floor in between feeds - it was so exhausting.

Village Visit
More of our kids moved to the village, it’s sad to see them go, and things are much quieter without them, but they love their new homes and new mums so that is more important. Laura and I went to visit them during Laura’s last week, here are some picture….
Above: Nicola (runs Babies home with Annie) and the next lot of kids to move to the village.

Above: Peter and Arnold find brooms at the village and attempt to clean.

Above: Laura with David and Keith at their new home.
Above: Laura with Julian, and me with my sponsor child Jennifer.
Above: Jennifer and I

We also had two of our favourite kids sleep the night with us at our house – I had a peaceful nights rest (which I needed – having worked the three previous nights on night shift) but Laura was up all night with her little rascal. Enjoy the pictures…

Above: Abdul and I playing on the couch

Above: Laura and Andrew
Above: Abdul about to have dinner - he has to be covered in towels, because he often throws everything he eats back up (because his father fed him acid and this has messed up his insides.)
Above: Laura - trying to catch a few minutes of sleep - but Andrew has other ideas...


Shannon Briese said...

Hi Felicity
My name is Shannon and I live in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. I was talking to Michelle Hamilton tonight and she passed along the link to your blog. A week from tomorrow I will be heading to The Bulrushes to spend the month of July helping out however I can. Thanks for posting so many stories and pics. It's a great way to get to see what's coming...I'm soooo excited! Look forward to meeting you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Felicity,

I'm the Michelle Hamilton Shannon was speaking about :). I'm not sure how I ran into your blog, but I did and I've been checking ever since :)

I volunteered at the babies' home from Jan-June last year. I cherish every update you post more than anyone in the world... I love seeing updated pics of the babies I grew to love (as well as all of the new additions!).

I'm so glad you're there and enjoying your time. I am praying for physical & emotional strength for you!

Felicity Louise Hernandez said...

michelle that is great. If you have any children in particular you want me to get snaps of - let me know as I have 3 weeks left.

Also if you are on facebook - find me "felicity louise hernandez" as I am going to start a volunteer group on facebook.

Glad I can be of some encouragement. Do you plan to return? I am hoping to be back mid way through next year.

- Felicity