Friday, October 26, 2007

In the beginnning...


It is 6 weeks until I leave on my journey, and this is going to be my BLOG site where (hopefully) I can keep you updated on my adventures.


In summary I ran a business for the past 5 years because I was passionate about raising money to help causes across the world. Although as with many start-up businesses I eventually failed and it all went a little pear shaped and left me unintentionally bankrupt.

As I pondered what to do next, not being able to run a business for three year, I set about working full time to pay off all remaining debt and contemplate the future.

I have had the travel bug since I was young and it started to itch. Then I decided if I could not donate my cashola to the causes I loved, why not donate my time and energy, surely it would suffice.

So began the plan to volunteer at Uganda at Watoto Baby Bullrushes Home for children orphaned by AIDS and other travisties. I have the amazing and profound opportunity to bestow love on them in their formative years before they are placed in a family unit as part of the larger Watoto project.

I also decided to have a little ME-TIME on the trip and hence I will be staying in Europe with family and friends for 3 months (Split 6 weeks before Uganda and 6weeks after Uganda) as well.


With my full time job I have been able to cover my Europe costs and save a significant amount towards the Uganda expenses and with the help of my family and friends - I have been able to fundraise some of the shortfall between my earnings and what is required, and I’m so thankful to all of you who have helped me out! - TRULY!

The cost of living somewhere for 6 months with no income, and maintaining financial commitments at home whilst I am away is going to be a massive challenge - but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make. (Let's face it I am used to working for no money - I had a business!)

Please support me by staying in contact, and by praying for me and for the work I will be doing.

If you wish to help by donating money - please see link on right hand side of page. Click the button. If you prefer to do an EFT contact me for bank details.
Thank you all

Love Felicity

Please click this link to see a video of BULLRUSHES where I will be working:
Also watch this video for info on the overall Watoto organisation: