Monday, May 19, 2008

Another trip to the Village

Laura and I made another trip to the village to visit the Toddlers who graduated from the babies home to their new homes in the village at Bbira.

Our Toddlers are getting bigger and fatter and they look great, although they are often running around without any pants.

The mums of the toddlers have now been given more children, so they have a household consisting of a couple of toddlers and a couple of older children.

One of these children is Jennifer, she is 8 years old and was orphaned this year, she loves taking my camera and taking photos and teaching me Luganda... I love spending time with all the kids, we have a lot of fun, but I particularly love Jennifer.
She has a lot of spunk and a lot of energy and I really connect with her.

So I went to the Watoto offices to find out if I can sponsor her long term and it turns out I can and I am so excited about that. I am unsure how I will afford it in the short term (as in before I return home and get a real job) but Its great to have met the person I will be sponsoring....
Here are some photos.

Jennifer and I

All the kids
Tia wanting cuddles (She was a baby from the babies home)


Anonymous said...

Hey Felicity!

It's Dani here from Toowoomba! Firstly i want you to know i've been following your blog, and have enjoyed reading it sooo much! I've been naughty though and havn't sent a comment because i thought you would want to hear from your family or friends...however i just cant hold back! The photos look like a dream, and your looking just so beautiful! I'll send you an email shortly, but for now...God Bless, and THANK YOU for what you're doing for His Kingdom...
In Him,
Dani xox

Felicity Louise Hernandez said...

thanks - I love getting comments - it lets me know people still read this.

Thanks again. I'l update soon. It's been hectic these last few weeks.

Felicity Louise Hernandez said...

thanks - I love getting comments - it lets me know people still read this.

Thanks again. I'l update soon. It's been hectic these last few weeks.