Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Staying until end of 2008

I have been thinking and praying about staying on in Uganda until the end of 2008.
I don't necessarily have the means, but I want to make the most of this amazing opportunity, and I want to work with these children for as long as I can.

Every day is hard work, and I get sick a lot, and very tired, but somehow everyday I wake up excited about the day. I love the kids and I love being able to have the priviledge to take the place of a parent in their life, to love them and hold them and do my best to fill the deep void that is left by being orphaned.

If you want I need support in the following ways:
* Stay in contact with me, write me on here or facebook or email - it makes home feel so much closer than it is.
* Pray for me - there is potential for illness and accidents here that I wish to avoid, and it's always nice to know people are praying for you. Pray for the kids as well, many are sick, or have concerns - and then there are the financial needs of the organisation, so pray for them to be met too.
* Donate to myself or to Watoto or to just about anything in this world that does something to help those less fortunate than us - which is just about everyone - CAUSE WE ARE SOOOO LUCKY!! - You just don't know how lucky we are....
* If you feel extra special enthusiastic - send me a little package in the mail (contact me for the address) with maybe some lollies or a letter or something funny to cheer me, or something cool for the kids?!? Nothing big, it's just so much fun to recieve mail. YAY.

Ok in the meantime thanks to everyone for their support - and some of you have been absolutely amazing in the support you've given me - you know who you are - I love you so much, thanks heaps.

I will have more updates soon.


Anonymous said...

I think it's awesome how you have opened your heart to orphans with aids and have the priviledge of caring for them. You're being a doer of the Word in reaching out to them with Jesus' love. May God bless you in all you do and say and keep you and the children safe in HIS care... Prayin for ya!


Anonymous said...

I discovered your blog and great pictures while wandering aimlessly around cyberspace. I am very familiar with the incredible work of Watoto. I have been to Uganda many times in the last ten years. My recent visits have been to northern Uganda to visit my Acholi friends. I have created several videos to help my Ugandan friends that are helping the underprivileged and vulnerable in Uganda.

Let Art Talk

Kwach Academy
